About Me

My photo
Conway, AR, United States
This is a blog for my 12 year old little man that is dealing with HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome)and has had all 3 surgeries Glenn, Fontan, and Norwood, a pacemaker a few years later, 2 types of epilepsy (Rolandic and Petit Mal), and has suffered a stroke. Just wanted to create him a blog so that he can communicate as will I and his father, on his life and things he does throughout his life from the serious to the silly.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hi everybody it's me brady. And im going to tell you about my youtube video. well i'can tell you that my little brother joe messed it up. Well it was about mario geting cursed and the song i put on was. Can you feel the sunshine the charictars are and these are stuff animals mario' hero ' clint the majic elf . well thats all the charictars i know. Bye bye i come back soon.


  1. Hey buddy. You should post your link so everybody can see your video. Dad loves you!

  2. Thanks for sharing your life with us. We loved your video. I read your blogs to my six year old Jackie amd she really liked your pictures. She was born with HLHS and lives in the Houston, Texas area. We hope to hear from yoy again soon.

    Big hugs!

    Jackie's mom
