Here we are, my brother and me, tubing on the back of Aunt Teresa's boat on Greer's Ferry Lake
I'm going to try and dump my Aunt Trisha...just watch...
This is me at Wild River Country in NLR, AR for the first time ever in 11 years
My cousins and brothers after watching Kung Fu Panda 2 in 3D in Louisiana...Attisyn (cousin), Logan (brother), Joe (brother), Aubri (cousin), Me, and Jaycob (cousin)
I got to go bowling which was cool but the ball was very heavy. I did have fun!
swimming at the pool right outside my aunt Trisha's house in Leesville, Louisiana
Just call me master chef Brady of the pancake flippers...I love to cook with mom
Finally got to not only go out of state for the first time my whole life, but we also went to the Gulf in Louisiana at Holly Beach with my brothers, cousins, my mom and my aunt Trisha. It was cool swimming in the ocean!
We found so many of these hermit crabs! We wanted to keep them but mom said they were too stinky and belonged back where we found them...but they were cool to watch come in and out of their shells.
Throwing seaweed. It was disgusting looking...I like the seaweed I see on cartoons way better!
me, mom, Joe, and Logan at Holly Beach, Louisiana summer 2011
me and my cousin Aubri on the other side of the beach where we found all those hermit crabs
thought it was a real cool fishing boat at the Gulf. Lots of birds were following it...
the crab we found. Atti was holding it so that we could see it
he was dumping bait fish out to catch even bigger fish
we kept saying "mine...mine...mine...mine" like off of Finding Nemo haha
A first time to see one this close...except at a zoo
Logan and Atti found a net and wanted to try to catch some fish with it but they didn't
We stayed at the beach till the sun went was a GREAT DAY with my family