About Me

My photo
Conway, AR, United States
This is a blog for my 12 year old little man that is dealing with HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome)and has had all 3 surgeries Glenn, Fontan, and Norwood, a pacemaker a few years later, 2 types of epilepsy (Rolandic and Petit Mal), and has suffered a stroke. Just wanted to create him a blog so that he can communicate as will I and his father, on his life and things he does throughout his life from the serious to the silly.

My 1st birthday Nov. 2000

I was already getting cranky...clothes?! No wonder I was mad!

I am SOOOPAH cute though!

The rock and roll bird that started it all, it went from big bird to the rock and roll Elmo's. My brothers are sure glad I got over that recently. I even had a jacket that my Papaw James and Mamaw Dee had made for me that had rock and roll Elmo and Ernie on the back and my name on the front...my mom still has that jacket, she should have it on display I think...one day she will... 


What do you mean I am eating too much cake? It's my birthday!

ummmm...I think I ate too much cake, I feel a little green...if you dare say "I told you so"......